The continent of Europe is made up of: Fifty sovereign states; Seven non-sovereign territories and regions; Four partially recognized republics, territories and regions; and Two unrecognized republics, territories and regions.
The most popular tourist destination countries of Europe include France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, Scotland and the United Kingdom. Although, some of the lesser traveled countries such as Sweden, Russia, Turkey, Portugal and Belgium hold priceless historical and natural treasures that are not to be missed.
The most unique feature of Europe is the proximity of all of its countries. For example, France is surrounded by Spain, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. You can easily hop a plane, or even better, ride the rail to any of these countries in a short period of time. Stepping foot from one country to another provides an instantaneous feeling of change. Nowhere else in the world can you see so many different cultures, ecosystems and natural and man-made beauty all in one relatively small area. Many European countries are home to the most cultured of all civilizations. They live their lives full of tradition through their architecture, their arts, their history and the nature that surrounds them.
Each individual has their own personal reasons for the countries they choose to visit while in Europe. Some want to see Paris, France for the famous Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and the street-side cafes. Others may want to visit Germany for the bratwurst, beer and beautiful countryside. Yet others will want to see Italy for Vatican City and the authentic Italian cooking. After doing your own research of Europe, you will find you are drawn to certain countries, cities and cultural for your own reasons.